Technology In Health


 "We propose to describe in this paper, the action of electromagnetic waves of very high frequency obtained by means of the Radio Cellulo-Oscillator of George Lakhovsky. This apparatus produces wave-lengths of the order of two meters and less, corresponding to 150 million cycles per second.A first plant was submitted to the effect of the radiation one month after being inoculated with cancer; at this time small tumors of the size of a cherry stoner were visible upon it. This plant was submitted to the rays twice, for three hours each time. During the following days, the tumors continued to grow rapidly in the same ways as those on plants, which had not been submitted to the effect of the radiations. However, 16 days after the first treatment, the tumors began to shrink and dry up. A few days later the tumors were entirely dried up and could be very easily detached from the limb of the plant by merely touching them. The drying action of the radio frequency radiations is selective and affects only the sick part of the plant. Even the inside sick tissues were destroyed, although they were next to healthy cells in the center of the limb, showing that the radiations had not affected the healthy parts."

Length of Treatment
"Another plant was treated in the same way, except that it was exposed 11 times, for three hours each time, to the radiations of the oscillator.Sixteen days after the first exposure the tumors, which were rather large as shown in one of the photographs, began to shrink and dry up and were easily detached from the limb exactly as in the first case. Again in this a case, the healthy parts of the plant were not affected in the least. A third plant exposed to the radiations for nine hours, that is, three treatments of three hours each, was cured in the same manner as the two others. Sixteen plants also inoculated with cancer, were left without treatment. They have tumors in full activity, several of which are very large. These experiments show conclusively that plant inoculated with cancer can be treated and cured by means of the ultra radio frequency vibrations, whereas surgical treatment fails.  "In conclusion, I wish to call the attention of the reader to the fact that I have obtained very conclusive results not only with a wavelength of two meters, but with longer and shorter wave-lengths. The main thing is to produce the greatest number of harmonics possible. "Such are the results of my researches with plants.  At the present time, similar experiments are being carried out with animals and it seems that the effect on cancerous animals is the same as on cancerous plants. I am highly pleased to present my theory and the results of my work in a scientific review of the United States, this great country, which has always been in the lead in the fight against this terrible sickness, cancer, and whose sympathy and help I would greatly appreciate.


The following article by George Lakhovsky appeared in Radio News Magazine in 1925. In it, Lakhovsky discusses his theory of healing and his experiments with his RADIO-CELLULO OSCILLATOR. (commonly known as the MWO or Multi-wave Oscillator).

This article is included for educational and historical purposes only.


By George Lakhovsky

A new and important application of very short wave-lengths is described in this article by one of the leading French scientists. The new application of short wave-length oscillations described in this article is one of the most important ever found, and we are pleased to present to our readers this article by Mr. George Lakhovsky, the well known French scientist. The experiments described were carried out in collaboration with several doctors and scientists of high standing and it seems from results obtained, that the very high frequency treatments will play an important role in the future. We shall publish in a later issue another article on this new system, together with the effects of ultra radio frequencies in the treatment of other diseases in human beings. Since November, 1923, I have published in various technical and radio publications, several papers in which I explained my theory that the instinct or special feeling, which permits birds to direct themselves in space, is only the results of the emission and reception of rays by living beings. While developing this theory, I explained how thoroughly I was convinced that science will discover, some day, not only the nature of microbes but the radiation which they produce, but also a method of killing disease bacilli within the human body by means of the proper radiations. The researches I have made by means of special apparatus have shown such results, that I believe my theory to be correct. This theory is that life is born from radiations, kept going by radiation and suppressed by an accident producing the destruction of the oscillatory equilibrium, especially by the radiations of certain microbes, which suppress those of the weaker cells.Before going any further in our reasoning, it is necessary, in order to present the facts to the uninitiated reader, to imagine what oscillations really are. The motion of a pendulum will be used for this explanation.  When a pendulum is displaced from the position of equilibrium, it moves back and forth producing what are known as synchronous oscillations, until the energy stored is entirely exhausted.  By means of a motor, a spring, or an electro-magnet, it is possible to keep the motion of the pendulum of constant amplitude, producing un-damped oscillations.If, on the contrary, the source of power is removed, the oscillations die down and it is necessary not only to re-apply the power sustaining the oscillations, but also to furnish additional energy to start the pendulum in motion. This oscillation of a pendulum reproduces exactly what happens in the cells of a living being.


Our organs are composed of cells formed of protoplasm containing various mineral matters and acids, such as iron, chloride, phosphorous, etc.  It is by the combination of these elements that the cells detect outside waves and vibrate continuously at a very high frequency, probably higher than the period of X-rays or over all other vibrations known and measured today. The amplitude of cell oscillations must reach a certain value, in order that the organism be strong enough to repulse the destructive vibrations from certain microbes. The astro-physicians are actually carrying out experiments of great interest on the existence of vibrations, which have been called penetration rays and of which the frequency is higher than that of X-rays and of the alpha, beta and gamma rays of radium. Such rays, according to the theory, are produced by the earth itself and some others come from outside space. Accurate measurements have proven the correctness of this theory.  Therefore, it is quite permissible to believe that these penetration rays, or at least some of them, produce the vibratory motion of living cells and consequently their life. For instance, let us suppose a cell vibrates at a certain frequency and a microbe vibrates at a different frequency; the microbe begins to fight the cell through radiation, and sickness is started.If the cell cannot repel the stronger vibrations and if the amplitude of its own vibration is forced to decrease, the microbe gains in amplitude and its vibrations begin to decrease and stop those of the cells, bringing on dangerous sickness or death.If, on the contrary, the living cell is started vibrating with the proper amplitude by inside or outside causes, the oscillatory attack is repulsed. Such is my theory. The problem is somewhat similar to the situation in which a rescuer finds himself when, coming to help a friend in a dangerous situation, finds himself fighting hand to hand against strong aggressors. The rescuer does not dare to fire his gun, fearing to harm his friend mixed up with the aggressors in the melee. Similarly, microbes and healthy cells are all exposed to electric or radio-active action, which could be used to destroy the unwanted rays and it is difficult to suppress them without harming or killing at the same time the cells which are to be treated. In fact, since Pasteur, scientists have been constantly searching for a means of destroying microbes. The great difficulty with all methods found was that in destroying, the bacilli cell was attacked too. The experience gained in cancer and tuberculosis treated with radium, X-rays or ultra-violet rays, shows how difficult is the world of the investigators.


The remedy in my opinion, is not to kill the microbes in contact with the healthy cells, but to reinforce the oscillations of the cell either directly by reinforcing the radio activity of the blood or in producing on the cells a direct action by means of the proper rays. During January, 1924, I began to build, according to this theory, and with the purpose of therapeutic applications, an apparatus, which I have called the Radio-Cellulo-Oscillator, with the firm belief that the cells vibrating at extremely short wave-lengths would find their own in the Hertzian waves, which have the properties of producing extremely short harmonics. The cell with very weak vibrations, when placed in the field of multiple radiations, finds its own frequency and starts again to oscillate normally through the phenomenon of resonance. This type of vibration are produced by the radio waves which I propose to use, is harmless, unlike those of X-ray and radium. Their application, therefore, does not present any danger for the operator. I exposed in front of my apparatus, during long periods, a certain number of microbes in culture, which developed themselves normally. I, myself, have never felt the effect of these ultra radio frequencies, although I remained for a great many days near the apparatus, during the treatment applied to the living cells. It is only when two living beings such as a cell and a microbe, are in contact, that the rays produced by the Radio-Cellular-Oscillator have any direct effect upon cellular structure. The experiments which I carried out at the Salpetriere Hospital in Paris, in the service and with the collaboration of Prof. Gosset, were made with plants inoculated with cancer, and the results were described in a paper presented on July 26, last year, before the Biological Society. The text of this paper follows."One that knows that it is possible to produce by inoculation of Bacterium, tumefaciens in plants, tumors similar to those of cancer in animals. One of us obtained experimentally by this method, a great number of tumors. These had various degrees of development. Some of them dry up partially, but do not die entirely until the entire plant or at least the limb bearing the tumor dies. Even removed by surgical methods, these tumors grew again on the sick limb. 


Lakhovsky first experimented with plants and later confirmed his theory with animals and finally people.  In 1924, he intentionally inoculated ten potted geranium plants with a tumor-causing disease. (Bacterium tumefaciens, a plant cancer). To one of the potted plants, he attached a single coil of heavy copper wire (ends not connected), holding it in place with a wooden stake stuck into the pot. The coil was about 30 cm in diameter and was fashioned around the center of the plant, about 8” up from the soil. All of the plants had identical care and were exposed to the same lighting conditions.  Over the next 60 days, the nine (9) inoculated geranium plants without the coil withered and died from their tumors.  The single plant with the attached coil threw off its tumors in about 30 days and continued to thrive and grow healthy.  Why? According to Lakhovsky, the coil acted as an antenna and was able to capture a portion of the frequency spectrum of cosmic waves that continually bombard the earth. These captured cosmic radiations (of the correct frequency range) were able to induce or reinforce favorable oscillations in plant cells. All living cells (plants or animals) in a healthy state oscillate at a characteristic frequency and maintain a condition that Lakhovsky referred to as equilibrium.  Pathogenic organisms (disease-causing bacteria, virus, etc.) oscillate at a different frequency, and if brought into close proximity to those healthy cells, will adversely affect the frequency of the oscillations of those cells and introduce a state of disequilibrium.  Lakhovsky essentially viewed it as a war taking place between the oscillatory energies of the pathogenic microbes and the host cells.  If the host cells were sufficiently “swamped” by the invading organisms’ oscillations, then the host cell would succumb to the mounting disequilibrium and die off.  If the resonant oscillations (the characteristic, healthy frequency) of the host cell could be stimulated or reinforced, then the host cell would overcome the disequilibrium and overpower the oscillations of the pathogenic organisms, thus defeating them. In Lakhovsky’s plant experiment, the coil was able to capture cosmic radiations of a specific band of frequencies, which was able to reinforce the healthy, characteristic resonant frequency of that geranium plant cell.  Lakhovsky later constructed a generator that could produce a wide spectrum of high frequency waves that could simulate the effects of captured cosmic radiations, but at much higher power levels. With his multi-wave oscillator Lakhovsky was able to stimulate diseased cells back into a healthy state much more quickly than depending on cosmic radiation alone. However, (and this is important)  if coil antennas of the correct size are employed, cosmic radiation alone will stimulate the diseased cells back into a healthy state (in people or plants);  it just takes longer.


Following the end of WWI and throughout the 1920’s, a Russian engineer living in France, named Georges Lakhovsky, developed an unusual theory about the nature of cellular level organization and biological activity. He theorized that various structures within a cell’s nucleus, such as the genetic strands of DNA, with its attendant protein sheath (along with cellular fluid), possessed electrical/magnetic attributes that are normally associated with electronic circuits: specifically radio circuits.He proposed that the nuclear strands of DNA functioned exactly as the coils of a radio oscillator circuit and possessed the electrical characteristics of self-inductance.  He further argued that since the DNA strands were physically separated from its surrounding protective sheath, that these two elements acted like the two plates of a capacitor and possessed the electrical characteristics of capacitance (the intracellular fluid possibly playing the role of the electrolytic capacitor). He proposed the revolutionary idea (at the time) that organic, biological substances possessed electromagnetic characteristics that could conduct electrons (current) and exhibit the property of conductance.  Finally, he reasoned that any organic substrata, not being a perfect conductor, is going to exhibit some resistance to the flow of electrons, and therefore, the electrical characteristic of resistance is also present within this structure. These three characteristics, inductance, capacitance, and resistance (or inversely, conductance), combined in a favorable configuration, can exhibit a phenomenon of physics known as resonance and create a type of radio circuit called an oscillator. Assuming that the values of inductance, capacitance, and resistance are fixed, an oscillator will continually produce a sine wave of a specific frequency.  All oscillators have a feedback loop in which a portion of the “output” energy is returned to the “input” side of the circuit. This feedback of energy allows the oscillator to reinforce the resonance of the circuit and continually produce sine waves at its specific resonant frequency. If you change one of the parameters that affect the oscillation rate (e.g. the inductance, capacitance or the resistance), then the frequency of the oscillation will change. 


Documented results by European hospitals and earlier studies show reversals of the “incurables” with Lakhovsky’s device. Georges Lakhovsky was a Russian born French electrical engineer who used technology originally developed by Nikola Tesla in 1898 to develop a Multiwave Oscillator in the early 1920’s. This machine was built based on his views that all living cells behaved like little batteries and all cells resonated at their own optimal frequencies. In the body, a group of cells for each organ function at separate frequencies. The different cells of the immune system, etc. also vibrate at their own ideal rate.  Lakhovsky’s pioneering work was published in 1935 in his book “The Secret of Life.”  This ground-breaking book revealed aspects of living organisms that were scientifically proven decades later.  Lakhovsky wrote that not only did cells behave like little batteries, but also they were capable of sending and receiving electrical communication.  He also documented that each cell possessed a spiral helix (RNA-DNA).   He noted that healthy cells could lose their equilibrium and thus vibrate at a more sluggish rate when continuously attacked by foreign microbes.  He theorized that the host cells could regain their equilibrium when exposed to electromagnetic oscillations with a wide range of frequencies and their harmonics at increased amplitudes.  In 1925, Lakhovsky published a paper in Radio News called “Curing Cancer with Ultra Radio Frequencies”, based on his observations from using his Multiwave Oscillator.  He stated,  “the amplitude of cell oscillations must reach a certain value, in order that the organism be strong enough to repulse the destructive vibrations from certain microbes. The remedy in my opinion is not to kill the microbes in contact with the healthy cells but to reinforce the radio activity of the blood or in producing on the cells a direct action by means of the proper rays.”  He later stated  “the cells with very weak vibrations, when placed in the field of multiple vibrations, finds its own frequency and starts again to oscillate normally through the phenomenon of resonance.  ”Lakhovsky’s breakthrough work was tested on plants, animals and humans with successful results  (for all kinds of diseases)  in rebuilding cellular health- enabling the plant, animal or person to fend off the harmful microbes, regain equilibrium and live healthy lives.  Lakhovsky’s work was already used in some European countries before he moved to New York at the beginning of World War Two.  In 1941, he was approached by several hospitals that wanted to clinically test his equipment.  In the summer of 1941, a major New York hospital with a prominent Brooklyn urologist documented remarkable results from a seven-week clinical trial.In 1942, Lakhovsky was “accidentally” hit by a car and was taken to a hospital although not seriously injured he mysteriously died.  His device was removed from the hospital, documents destroyed and the technology was quickly forgotten in the United States. 

It wasn’t until the last two decades of the 1900’s that his technology began resurfacing and being used by the people of this country. This quote by Mohandes Gandhi sums it up. “When I despair, I remember that all through history, the way of truth and love has always won.  There have been murderers and tyrants, and for a time they can seem invincible.  But in the end they always fall.  Think of it, always.” 


The simple answer is YES, but it was suppressed. The full story can be read in Barry Lynes book  “The Cancer Cure That Worked!”  Dr. Rife’s story truly fits into a quote by Albert Einstein: “Great Spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.”Royal Raymond Rife was formally educated at Johns Hopkins, but was self-educated in numerous different fields. He mastered such a wide variety of disciplines that when he needed a new technology for his research, he simply invented and built it himself. His self-education also enabled him to look for answers outside of rigid scientific methods.In 1920, Rife built his first microscope (which was capable of seeing live viruses) and bought his first frequency machine. This began his research into identifying different microbes associated with many diseases and finding the frequencies that would kill them. It took Rife many years, sometimes working 48 hours straight, until he found the specific frequencies that destroyed cancer, herpes, polio, influenza and many more disease organisms. By 1939, he had found the lethal frequencies for 52 major diseases.In 1933, Rife constructed his amazing and incredibly complex Universal Microscope. It had 5,682 parts and had 60,000X magnification. By employing a revolutionary method, the microscope used light to illuminate live microbes heretofore viewed as a dead specimen. This enabled Rife to see otherwise invisible organisms and detect the frequencies that would kill them. By 1933, Rife had also built a precise and effective frequency device. He would tune this device to the lethal frequencies of the organisms (which he called the Mortal Oscillatory Resonance- MOR) until the microbe disintegrated. The healthy surrounding tissues were unharmed by this process. Rife had done the seemingly impossible. He had discovered technology that could observe all living viruses and bacteria and find their MOR. He had also developed an advanced frequency generator that was capable of emitting an oscillatory electromagnetic field that eliminated the cause of a disease.


During Rife’s research he discovered a virus that caused cancer. Using Koch’s Theorem he proved that the virus caused cancer. He then infected 400 lab mice with the virus and waited until they developed tumors. They were then exposed to the frequency device set at the cancer virus’s MOR. This cured all 400 mice. Rife painstakingly documented all of this work with film, photographs and meticulous records. The next step was human beings.In 1934, the University of Southern California appointed a Special Medical Research Committee to bring 16 terminal cancer patients from Pasadena County Hospital to the Scripps Clinic in La Jolla, CA. They would be treated with Rife’s mitogenic impulse-wave technology and examined by a team of doctors and pathologists after 90 days—if still alive.Upon examination after 90 days, 14 were declared completely free of cancer. The treatment was then continued for the remaining two patients. They were then declared cancer-free four weeks later. Not only had Rife done what most considered impossible, but all of his work was re-verified in clinical trials by the Special Medical Research Committee in 1935 and 1937.What followed was a sad story of corruption and suppression by selfish and greedy people with vested interests in the status quo. Along with Barry Lynes book there are numerous websites detailing the Rife story.  Although vast quantities of Rife’s life’s work was destroyed or vandalized, enough remains to help people today with Rife’s technologies. Furthermore, with the explosion of the internet and more and more qualified individuals becoming aware of and interested in health technology, the future is very bright for the treatment of life threatening illnesses with painless and inexpensive methods. 



Documented results by European hospitals and earlier studies show reversals of the “incurables” with Lakhovsky’s device.Georges Lakhovsky was a Russian born French electrical engineer who used technology originally developed by Nikola Tesla in 1898 to develop a Multiwave Oscillator in the early 1920’s. This machine was built based on his views that all living cells behaved like little batteries and all cells resonated at their own optimal frequencies. In the body, a group of cells for each organ function at separate frequencies. The different cells of the immune system, etc. also vibrate at their own ideal rate. Lakhovsky’s pioneering work was published in 1935 in his book “The Secret of Life.”  This ground-breaking book revealed aspects of living organisms that were scientifically proven decades later.  Lakhovsky wrote that not only did cells behave like little batteries, but also they were capable of sending and receiving electrical communication.  He also documented that each cell possessed a spiral helix (RNA-DNA). He noted that healthy cells could lose their equilibrium and thus vibrate at a more sluggish rate when continuously attacked by foreign microbes.  He theorized that the host cells could regain their equilibrium when exposed to electromagnetic oscillations with a wide range of frequencies and their harmonics at increased amplitudes. In 1925, Lakhovsky published a paper in Radio News called “Curing Cancer with Ultra Radio Frequencies”, based on his observations from using his Multiwave Oscillator. He stated,  “the amplitude of cell oscillations must reach a certain value, in order that the organism be strong enough to repulse the destructive vibrations from certain microbes. The remedy in my opinion is not to kill the microbes in contact with the healthy cells but to reinforce the radio activity of the blood or in producing on the cells a direct action by means of the proper rays.” He later stated  “the cells with very weak vibrations, when placed in the field of multiple vibrations, finds its own frequency and starts again to oscillate normally through the phenomenon of resonance. ”Lakhovsky’s breakthrough work was tested on plants, animals and humans with successful results (for all kinds of diseases) in rebuilding cellular health- enabling the plant, animal or person to fend off the harmful microbes, regain equilibrium and live healthy lives. Lakhovsky’s work was already used in some European countries before he moved to New York at the beginning of World War Two. In 1941, he was approached by several hospitals that wanted to clinically test his equipment.  In the summer of 1941 a major New York hospital with a prominent Brooklyn urologist documented remarkable results from a seven-week clinical trial.In 1942, Lakhovsky was “accidentally” hit by a car and was taken to a hospital although not seriously injured he mysteriously died. His device was removed from the hospital, documents destroyed and the technology was quickly forgotten in the United States. It wasn’t until the last two decades of the 1900’s that his technology began resurfacing and being used by the people of this country. This quote by Mohandes Gandhi sums it up.“When I despair, I remember that all through history, the way of truth and love has always won. There have been murderers and tyrants, and for a time they can seem invincible. But in the end they always fall. Think of it, always.” 


Antoine Priore graduated from a school of electricity in Trieste, Italy and became a radar operator in the Italian Navy. During this period he observed what to him was an exciting anomaly; some oranges left in the room filled with electrical bric-a-brac had fallen into an assemblage where they seemed to have been preserved in the same fresh state they had enjoyed when bought off a fruit stand.  Other oranges in the room, bought at the same time, were rotten and putrid.  Stunned by his observation, Priore dreamed throughout the war of one day working out an electrical means of conserving foods in their fresh state based on what was a new, and wholly unexplained, principle.  Newton’s apple had become Priore’s orange.  We should note that a radar broadcast consists of a highly modulated microwave emission, or as they are known the radar microwave pulses. Though most people know about the Newton’s apples, nobody knows about the Priore oranges.  However, Foodco, a subsidiary company of Maxwell Laboratories and a company engaged in food preserving, seems to know much about oranges.  They are developing a food preserving modality based on strong electrical pulses (electroporation).  After the war Priore purchased surplus equipment and eventually developed a strange machine that filled an entire room.  A nozzle above a table in the center of the room emitted a strong ray or field, which Priore explained consisted of an electromagnetic wave in a magnetic field.  Eventually the French government spent almost three million dollars for construction of a new, improved Priore machine, because Priore had shown he could cure cancers in laboratory animals with the first device.In 1964 Professor Robert Courrier, a renowned biologist and the secretaire-perpetuel of the French Academy of Sciences, presented some of Priore’s results to the Academy.  Forty-eight cancerous rats had been divided into two groups of twenty-four each.  One group was set-aside without treatment as a control, and the other group was divided into two subgroups of twelve each.  The Priore machine treated one of these subgroups promptly after the cancer grafts, and the other was treated after a lapse of several days.  Both subgroups were completely cured- the first quickly and the second after more prolonged treatment.  All the control rats died in twenty-two to thirty days after grafting. The results created a furor and a controversy that have continued to the present day.  Since the first presentation by Courrier, the machine repeatedly cured leukemia and other forms of cancer in laboratory animals. The controversy seems to have arisen because the French Academicians could not comprehend the working of the machine, and because the inventor would not reveal how it worked but only how it was built. The device Priore developed simulated powerful radar pulses modulated by three series of frequencies; one subsonic (0.5 to 2 Hz), one audio (300 to 900 Hz) and one high to VHF radio frequency (16 to 300 MHz). The Priore device could be theorized to excite inter-cellular activity, to increase electroporosity of cells- enhancing the in-and-out exchange of materials of the cell, which eventually increased metabolism.  Probably intense exposure may cause the more evident effects of electroporation, i.e. create bigger pores on the cell membrane and even bursting weak cell membranes or weak organism’s membranes.  May necrotize cancer cells by bursting the weak cancer cell membrane and kill the microorganism (as it was reported in numerous papers to the French Academy of Science).In 1974 a change in local government lost Priore his government supporters. His support and funding were lost and subsequent attempts to restore his technology into the public domain were viciously suppressed.  “If you want to make enemies, try to change something.”

—Woodrow Wilson  Further information can be found on this topic from the following sources:

  • The original Priore machine is believed to be at the Welcome Foundation, London.
  • Priore’s French patent: 1,342,772.
  • Christopher Bird, Appendix 1: The Case of Antoine Priore and His Therapeutic Machine: A Scandal in the Politics of Science
  • “Aids, Biological Warfare” by T.E. Bearden, Tesla Book Company.
  • David M. Rorvick, “Do the French have a cure for cancer?” Esquire Magazine, July 1975, p. 110-111, 142-149


 Gianni A. Dotto was born in Venice, son of a prominent engineer who was the designer of two hydro-electric generating plants on both the American and Canadian sides of Niagara falls.  His father was an Italian Marquis from a family directly descended from Galileo. Dotto had been trained as paratrooper, an American fighter pilot and had become the head of the racing team of Alfa-Romeo (designer of racing cars) and Professor at the University of Milan. He had two PhD's, one in Mechanical Engineering and one in Nuclear Physics from the University of Milan.  He also had a degree in Electrical Engineering from Wayne University of Detroit and became a prolific inventor having numerous Italian and American patents. The Dotto ring was powered with a peculiar thermo-electric metal junction producing both a carrier oscillation and a modulation, in a way that is not known in Physics textbooks. The figure of 30,000 Amperes given by Dotto, though a considerably high current, matches with his claim of producing a moderate intense magnetic field for the particular size of his ring.  Also, his independent emphasis for having his oscillations modulated or shaped with high energy excursions agree with the general trend in all relevant devices. This underlying coincidence of modulating an electromagnetic wave should be scientifically convincing that there is a substantial truth in the mysterious and allegedly miraculous Dotto ring. The effective mechanism and results of the Dotto ring probably should be theorized the same as that of the Priore device. 


Evans Rapsomanikis graduated from the Athens Technical University as an Electrical Engineer. He had been senior research scientist and director in numerous top secret projects of Lockheed - such as Anti-submarine, Warfare, Guidance systems, and others for about 30 years.  He developed the Satellite Guidance System L1011, now used with commercial jet airlines.  He engaged himself to his Device and project after retiring from Lockheed. Rapsomanikis has not made public the details of his technology. However, it is the understanding based on descriptions of various patients treated with the Rapsomanikis devices that Evans was using contact electrodes on the skin as a TENS device and also had the genius idea to use a perpendicular magnetic field to guide deep enough the electrical pulses into the body. Remember, fast current pulses administered by contact to the skin will stay on the skin by the skin effect. Similarly, an electric pulse will not penetrate the skin, because, physics by the principle of Gauss, teaches inside a hollow or solid conductor - the skin - the electrical field is zero (in effect the skin is a Faraday cage).Rapsomanikis genius innovation is a magnetic field, which he uses as a guider or carrier for his electrical pulses. The inventor claimed treating cancer, AIDS and degenerative diseases. 


Established and Alternative medicine have a long history of battling each other.  New methods and discoveries are always met with sharp resistance, followed by a struggle, until the new idea is either accepted, ignored or suppressed (only to be re-discovered later). “All truth goes through three stages: first it is ridiculed; then it is violently opposed; finally it is accepted as self evident.”


Some examples of “radical” theories that have now become mainstream follow: Penicillin was actually discovered in the mid 1800’s by a medical student, but because of his position it was written off. Even after its formal discovery, Penicillin was set-aside for years before being tested. In the 1800’s Dr. Semmelweis drove himself crazy after trying for years to get physicians to wash their hands after autopsies and other medical procedures.  Pasteur was ridiculed for years about his theory that germs could cause disease. Scores of other pioneers were scorned because their theories and methods conflicted with the common medical viewpoints, including Roentgen and his X-rays, Morton and his promotion of anesthesia, Harvey for his explanation of the circulation of the blood, and many more in recent decades, including: W.F. Koch, Lakhovsky, Revici, Naessens, Priore, Hoxsey and Burton.


The most glaring story of suppression in the 1900’s is the story of Royal Raymond Rife.  His cancer cures of the 1930’s are in the beginning stages of re-discovery.  Barely enough information survived the destruction of equipment and records to apply his methods in the 21st century.  For more information read "Curing Cancer With Ultra Radio Frequencies" by George Lakhovsky. “It is dangerous to be right on a subject on which the established authorities are wrong.”



CAM is the fastest growing industry in the US today. It is approximated to bring $80 billion into the US economy per year. People are seeking answers to their physical, emotional and spiritual problems in this era of enlightenment (new age era). This shift toward alternative modalities of treatment was predictable. There is no coincidence that this is happening at this point in time as allopathic medicine continues to make people toxic and continues to fail the masses with their ever increasing health crises. Several popular modalities today that are leading the way in changing the paradigm of health and preventative medicine are chiropractic, naturopathic and holistic ideologies. It is predicted that there will be more alternative practitioners in the future than general practice doctors. It is your right to have freedom of health choices in the United States of America.


Whereas a small shelf in a bookstore might have been devoted to CAM in the early 1980’s there are now whole sections. The Alternative Wellness page is a glimpse of what is ahead.  Anecdotal evidence and a few clinical trials show the possibilities of technological devices.  From this it is clear to see that the medicine of the future will be dominated by energy technologies.


Electro-medicine  (SEAD, Rife, Priore, Lakhovsky) is the easiest and most promising area of CAM for healing “incurable diseases.”  It is also the most practical for the masses. However, electro-medicine will take decades or longer to become more mainstream. Electro-medicine is only beginning to become known by people and organizations that can further its cause. A lot of time and money are necessary to do the studies necessary for FDA approval. Because the costs are more than the individual manufacturers can afford, financing must come from outside sources. Since the return on investment with this field is minimal, it requires a wealthy individual interested in others well being to finance the clinical trials. Organized fund raising and free offers to do experiments by groups like athletics teams, retirement communities or privately funded establishments is also an option.


Although the general public will not become aware of electro-medicine for some time to come, it has been brought to your attention. You can benefit from electro-medicine by either visiting one of the few practitioners or investing in an effective electromagnetic device that you can use in your own home - for a healthier, more vibrant, and happier way of life. Consider yourself fortunate enough to be aware of this information and to have the ability to make a life changing decision.