SEAD Information


 This website was created to educate and inform you about the SEAD technology.  This device generates frequencies that can help with a multitude of issues and conditions.  It was created to promote or enhance one's level of consciousness, spirituality and to help people come to terms with their emotional baggage, i.e., it will show you what your issues are.  SEAD is an acronym standing for Subtle Energy Activation Device.  The SEAD is a specific as well as holistic device.  It specifically enhances cellular function and the immune system, while holistically exposing the person to life promoting subtle energy  (what is referred to as Chi, Qi, Prana, Life-force, or Bio-photons).  This technology is designed to balance and harmonize the body-returning it to its natural equilibrium (as seen in a healthy child) – as well as raise the vibrational rate of the atomic structure.  This leads to a healthier and more desirable physical, emotional, mental and spiritual livelihood.  Noted results are better health, wellness, clarity, and higher states of consciousness.  The fundamental technique of a SEAD is to saturate the body with a plethora of high frequencies and harmonics at many different wavelengths-with increased amplitude of oscillations.  The SEAD creates a high-energy field in and around the body through sympathetic resonance (matching ideal host cellular frequencies), which enables each host cell to select its most needed frequency, assimilate the energy, and increase its vitality.  Additionally, it shifts the molecular structure, causing the micro and macro aspects of the body to organize themselves, function optimally and vibrate in harmony with each other.  When the cells/organisms are in sync with one another, the whole body will heal.  Albeit, the technology was created for the above purposes, the end result has been found to not only improve people's spiritual, emotional states, but their mental and physical as well.  For whatever reasons, each person is affected differently and to different degrees.  The effects may come immediately or gradually over time, although usually quickly, and are often to the positive.Using this technology is equivalent to doing your own personal experiments.  Each person is unique and has his own individual issues, some more emotional, others more physical.  Regardless of the issue, or what you are trying to achieve, the SEAD almost instinctively, intuitively will begin to address those issues.  You'll begin to see and feel the difference in yourself as soon as you turn it on.  The more you use it, the more you feel it.  It does not require more than a few minutes a day to notice the change/shift in yourself and your life.  Energetically (physically), the effect is instantaneous.  Consequently, each person may necessitate different time requirements with the device. This may only be known through trial and error.  For example, some people can not handle more than 15 – 20 seconds initially, whereas, others have been able to utilize the SEAD for 5, 10, 15, or more minutes to start.  We suggest that less is more, and that you should use common sense when beginning your sessions. Start at approximately 2 –3 minutes per day and graduate as you acclimate up to what you feel comfortable with.  If you experience a headache or other Herzheimer symptoms, then try reducing the time by half, drink more water and get some rest.  We know that you will have good results.  We believe that the SEAD technology will bring you good experiences which will improve many aspects of your life.  We encourage you to try this wonderful technology, this incredibly subtle, yet powerfully energizing system. 




The SEAD is a pulsed electromagnetic frequency (PEMF) device that produces five kinds of energy: Bio-photonic, electromagnetic, Bio-electrical, light frequencies and radio frequencies. Devices of this type are commonly called Multiwave Oscillators (MWO’s); a term derived from the high frequency wave oscillations that the units produce. The SEAD is the result of more than 20 years of research and development based on the technologies of Georges Lakhovsky, Nikola Tesla and Royal Rife.


Lakhovsky, a Russian electrical engineer who emigrated to France in the 1920’s, believed that cells are electrical in nature. His published work called “The Secret of Life” (1935) demonstrates this theory. Lakhovsky showed how cells manifest the electrical properties of resistance, capacitance and inductance. These characteristics, when properly configured, create resonance. He observed this oscillatory nature of healthy cells and the fact that, during an invasion of microbes, the cells entered into a state of oscillatory disequilibrium or disease. Lakhovsky went on to observe that high frequency radio waves could energize malfunctioning cells due to the spiral helix or coil found in each cell (RNA-DNA) that acted as a receiving antenna for the radio waves the MWO’s produced. When these radio waves matched those of the cells, the cells strength and vigor were reinforced and strengthened. Both Tesla and Lakhovsky felt that high frequency waves were beneficial to plants, animals and people and that low frequency (60Hz) was harmful. The SEAD generates frequencies which are characteristic of healthy living organisms (from 750 kHz up to 3 MHz and harmonics which extend up to 300 GHz). Once the cell was energized waste would be expelled, nutrients would be ingested and the cell would fend off any attackers. Lakhovsky’s research demonstrated how the application of an external electrical field ( generated by the MWO) was able to do this. In 1925, Lakhovsky began to use argon gas in copper tubes for the antennae of his Multiwave Oscillator for greater effect.Good health revolves around our cells and energetic systems harmonically vibrating at their intended vibrations. The basic operation of the SEAD is to reinforce the oscillations of the body’s cells to enable them to function at their natural and healthy frequencies. The effects of the SEAD are to boost the immune system, rebalance and harmonize the communication system, devitalize pathogens, accelerate detoxification, stimulate electroporation, increase ATP production, recharge the body’s lifeforce, feed the healthful respiration portion of the Kreb’s cycle and terminate free radicals.“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

—Nikola TeslaThe SEAD emits a broad spectrum of electromagnetic frequencies and their corresponding harmonics with increased amplitudes at many different wavelengths. This bath of electrical frequencies provides each cell with the opportunity to select and assimilate its most needed frequency to restore equilibrium.The electromotive force (emf) produced by the SEAD, that induces the cell nucleus, can elevate the cell’s metabolism by electrolysis, and possibly retune the RNA-DNA “memory” and reproductive capabilities to earlier and younger levels, thus reversing the disease process and rejuvenating the body. Furthermore, even though the “skin effect” prevents electrostatic energy from penetrating the body, the electromagnetic energy does permeate the skin and induces an emf in each cell. This is the precise energy which Lakhovsky attributed to his almost “miraculous cures.”


Quantum physics tells us that bodies are composed not only of observable matter, but also of subtle energies with organized patterns, boundaries and definitions. Research has shown that the subtle energy field is the driving force of the communication system of the body. The field responds fractions of a second before the nervous system or brain. The subtle energy field carries from one to ten thousand times more information about the health or disease of a body than the neurological or pathological information from the chemistry or tissues.The SEAD works to re-establish the intelligent and clear communications of the body by its generation of the five kinds of energy in a full range of frequencies. This activation of the subtle body is thought to enable the user to affect positive changes in physical, emotional, mental and spiritual conditions.


The SEAD is constructed using an ultrahigh frequency air core resonant transformer, specially designed Tesla Coils and spark gap electrodes. The rich pulsed electromagnetic field and high frequencies charge and activate various inert and common gases (Hydrogen, Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton, Xenon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Air and Water Vapor) in an Air Plasma Tube and Multitube Array. These gases have been selected, by research and experiment, for their individual and separate properties. When activated, they produce specific frequencies that cannot be generated any other way. Additionally, experimentation with the location of each different gas tube led to them being organized according to the richest subtle energy field output.


  Due to unhealthy lifestyle choices physically (eating fast food, excess sugar, overeating, smoking, etc.), emotionally (anger, hate, jealousy, fear doubt, anxiety, etc.), and mentally (indecisiveness, domination, submissiveness, procrastination, disorganization, etc.), as well as environmental hazards (pollution, chemicals in agriculture, antibiotics and growth hormones in meat, toxic waste, etc.), our bodies become increasingly sluggish, unbalanced and toxin laden.  After extended or intense periods of these abuses, symptoms manifest into a disease.  To regain health, you have to believe it is possible and then set out on one or more paths of healing- some of which are mentioned on the Alternative Wellness page.  Depending on your condition, it may be wise to select more than one approach.  Since it takes more than one issue to manifest an illness, it may take more than just one approach to heal.  Remember, everyone is unique and manifests illnesses differently.  That being said, it may require different avenues of healing and you may heal at varying rates. The SEAD machines are one approach that should be the foundation of any health program.  It is designed to rebalance the body and restore it to equilibrium, enabling the body to heal itself and maintain health. The results provide an individual with an ensuing higher quality of life. The means by which this is accomplished are explained in SEAD Info, Alternative Wellness and Benefits / Effects Sections. 


  Due to unhealthy lifestyle choices physically (eating fast food, excess sugar, overeating, smoking, etc.), emotionally (anger, hate, jealousy, fear doubt, anxiety, etc.), and mentally (indecisiveness, domination, submissiveness, procrastination, disorganization, etc.), as well as environmental hazards (pollution, chemicals in agriculture, antibiotics and growth hormones in meat, toxic waste, etc.), our bodies become increasingly sluggish, unbalanced and toxin laden.  After extended or intense periods of these abuses, symptoms manifest into a disease.  To regain health, you have to believe it is possible and then set out on one or more paths of healing- some of which are mentioned on the Alternative Wellness page.  Depending on your condition, it may be wise to select more than one approach.  Since it takes more than one issue to manifest an illness, it may take more than just one approach to heal.  Remember, everyone is unique and manifests illnesses differently.  That being said, it may require different avenues of healing and you may heal at varying rates. The SEAD machines are one approach that should be the foundation of any health program.  It is designed to rebalance the body and restore it to equilibrium, enabling the body to heal itself and maintain health. The results provide an individual with an ensuing higher quality of life. The means by which this is accomplished are explained in SEAD Info, Alternative Wellness and Benefits / Effects Sections. 


 In the late 18th century,  Alessandro Volta discovered the effect that electricity had on the leg of a dead frog.  Volta also invented the storage battery, the device that we use in our cars and flashlights today.  Volta's work with animal electricity (today called "electro-biology")  earned him nothing but ridicule.  He was often referred to as the "frog's dancing master.  "The 19th century saw tremendous strides in the advancement of electrical knowledge.   Almost all of the systems we use today for electrical production and transmission of power were developed then-oil-filled condensers, transformers, 3-phase power and the rest. Nikola Tesla either invented or discovered most of these systems.In the early 20th century, Tesla invented a system of wireless telegraphy.  A young Italian electrical engineering student, Marconi, then used Tesla's notes and took credit for the discovery.  Communications and power production adaptations of Tesla's works continued to proliferate.   The effect of electrical current, voltages, and radio frequencies on living organisms continued to be largely ignored by all but a handful of engineers and medical doctors.  Nikola Tesla was one of those engineers.  Another one of these handful of electrical engineers was a Russian emigrant living in Paris in the 1920's, Georges Lakhovsky.   Lakhovsky compiled his observations about the effect of electricity and radio waves on living organisms in this book, which he first published in 1935.  Many of Lakhovsky's theories were subsequently confirmed in The Body Electric by Becker and Selden, published in 1987.  One of Tesla's articles in the two-volume set was titled "High Frequency Oscillators for Electro-Therapeutic and  Other Purposes." The article was one Tesla had read to the 8thy annual meeting of the American Electro-Therapeutic Association at their meeting in Buffalo, New York, on Sept. 13 to 15, 1898.  What intrigued the electrical engineer was that the circuits described, including the illustrations, were identical to those in the Lakhovsky device-over 30 years before Lakhovsky, with Tesla's help, got his device to work.  Nikola Tesla may have been a much more modes and unassuming man than anyone has ever suspected.  When he was informed that Marconi had used his work, Tesla merely smiled.  When George Westinghouse told Tesla a contract they had signed, worth millions to Tesla, would ruin him (Westinghouse), Tesla merely smiled, tore up the contract, and dumped it in his wastebasket.  Did Tesla simply install the circuitry he had developed decades before into Lakhovsky's machine and then allow Lakhovsky to take credit for the design?  The evidence in that article in that set of books indicates that this is exactly what happened.  However, we will never know for sure.

Excerpts from the Bels Study


Traditional medicine conceptualizes the body as a grand biochemical computer controlled by the brain and the peripheral nervous system.  A new paradigm sees the human beings as vast networks of complex electromagnetic fields that interface with physical and cellular systems.  Healing uses specialized forms of energy to positively affect those energetic systems that may be out of balance due to disease states.  By rebalancing the energy fields in order to regulate cellular physiology, various electronic devices attempt to restore order to a higher level of function.  The human body, from an energetic standpoint, when weakened or shifted from its normal equilibrium, oscillates at a different and less harmonious frequency than when healthy.  This abnormal frequency reflects a general state of cellular imbalance in the physical body.  When a weakened individual is unable to shift his energy to the needed frequency to allow the immune system to properly define itself, a number of chemical and electrical abnormalities follow.  At this stage a certain amount of subtle electromagnetic help may be necessary.  If the same individual is supplied with a dose of the needed energetic frequency, it allows the cellular bio-energetics systems to resonate in the proper vibrational mode, thereby combating the toxicity of the illness. This frequency specific subtle energy bond can allow the body and the associated biochemical systems to return to a new level of homeostasis.  By providing this needed subtle energy change, the BELS unit can provide the body significant non-toxic therapeutic benefits.  Although the results from a small-uncontrolled study of the beneficial effects are exciting, optimism must continue to be cautious.  The exact mechanisms of the benefit and long-term effects of this therapy remain to be established.  We look forward to the prospective validation of this promising preliminary study.

Quantum physics and experiments in light-energy particle physics have shown us that, at the particle level, all matter and energy are completely interchangeable.  The recognition – that all matter is ENERGY – forms the foundation for understanding how human beings can be considered dynamic energetic systems.  Using his famous E=mc2,  Einstein proved that energy and matter are dual expressions of the same universal substance.  That universal substance is a primal vibrational energy of which we are all composed.  All organisms are dependent upon a vital force that creates synergism via a unique structural organization of molecules.  This vital force creates order in living systems and constantly rebuilds and renews cellular functions.  When this life force leaves the body, death ensues and the physical mechanism is slowly degraded into a disorganized collection of chemicals. If we are beings of energy, it then follows that we can be affected by energy.  Even orthodox medicine has eagerly recognized the evolutionary progression toward the development of energy methods of treatment.  Radiation is widely used to treat cancer, electromagnetic pulsation stimulates healing of fractures and bone growth.  Electricity, in the form of TENS units, is used to treat pain.  Hopefully, in time the potential of incorporating alternative energy therapies will give us a better understanding of ourselves as multidimensional beings with unlimited healing potentials.


The BELS unit worked very well on our non-HIV+ patients, especially those with Chronic Fatigue and Pain syndromes.  If one compares the natural history of HIV, a progressive decline in the health status of these patients could be expected with more and more frequent inter-current illnesses, general fatigue and ongoing weight loss.  None of this occurred with the HIV+ patients in the Study.  All of these medical problems, when originally present, were either resolved or significantly improved during the Study.  Because these patients are in vibrant good health, with minor exceptions noted, I am encouraged by the results of this protocol.  I would like to see further studies duplicating these results with larger patient population over a longer period of time.  Apparently, conditions that encompass a wide range of individual disease entities can be helped using the BELS unit.