Alternative Wellness


 The following is a partial list of proven methods and other equally impressive systems. There are numerous natural healing programs available, really too many to mention.  But overall, there are some basic concepts that all of us, as human beings (biological carbon units, especially those who are ill), whether we are diseased or not, will benefit from energetically, physically/emotionally and spiritually.  For example, cleansing is very important - the body needs detox before it can start to rebuild. How do you cleanse?  Well, there are many ways.  One of the most important and effective ways is through colon hydrotherapy.  Cleansing the body through the bowel helps to remove old putrid, rotten, impacted fecal wastes, bad bacteria, dead cells, cellular metabolic wastes, viruses, parasites and much more. Try this therapy yourself and see how much better you think and feel and how much more energy you have.  Another form of cleansing is by having lymphatic drainage performed on your body, either by a manual or electronic stimulating device. Neither technique is painful, but could cause you to experience what is known as a healing crisis (Herxheimer Reaction).  Bouncing on a trampoline can also assist in this process.  Skin brushing, massage, deep breathing techniques, yoga, Transcendental Meditation (TM), walking on sand, reflexology, acupressure, and acupuncture are some additional ways to detox while increasing the body's energy and calming the sympathetic nervous system. Hydration is critical to the body. The body is made up of approximately 90% water.  In order to maintain the body's water balance, one should drink at least half his body weight in water.  Water is what allows the biological/chemical/electrical systems/functions to properly function.  Water flushes out toxins and reduces the build up of these "bad guys" in the body. The body is essentially designed to take in what it needs through air, food and water, process it, utilize what it needs and eliminate what it does not use, what it has already used, and unwanted/unneeded toxic elements.  This can only happen through proper and effective bowel elimination, hydration and urination, breathing and sweating out through the skin. Generally, all disease vibrates at low, slow frequencies (fewer than 50 MHz, cancer 42 MHz, death 0 MHz).  Also, all diseases exist in toxic, dehydrated, acidic and anaerobic environments  (low oxygen).  Furthermore, when one's immune system is down, the CNS is stressed, the body is chronically tired and the nutritional and mineral levels are deficient. Oxygen is critical for the body's survival.  You can only last a few minutes without it.  Oxygen cleans the blood and body as a whole from toxins/wastes.  As we age, toxins accumulate at the cellular levels and cause degenerative diseases to set in.  Without sufficient oxygen, it is impossible to clean your blood. This can only mean that it is impossible to clean up your cells, tissues, glands, organs and systems of you body. This is what disease thrives on.In 1931, Dr. Otto Warberg won the Nobel Prize for medicine. His thesis on the cause of cancer was oxygen deficiency at the cellular level. His message was as clear then as it is now. "Cancer cells cannot live in oxygen."   The fact remains that no aerobic disease, virus, harmful bacteria or other harmful germs can not survive either.  Eating foods that are life giving, full of energy, such as deep green leafy plants and vegetables, are also part of the cleansing and maintaining health plan.  Of course, going organic would be optimal solution, but it does take some work to locate organic foods, properly prepare these types of meals, and they do cost more. But, surely it will be well worth it in the long run:  you will taste the difference, your body will appreciate it, and you will feel better (more energy).  Some people have found that they actually eat less, thereby saving money. Stop the insult.  What does this mean?  It simply means stop, to the best of your ability, consuming the bad stuff that inherently harms the body or lowers the body's energy levels.  Chemicals, preservatives, unnatural sweeteners, heavy metals, drugs (prescription or illegal), smoking, alcohol, are just some of the things that well all could cut back on to help out the cause. Changing one's pH, from a more acidic state to a more alkaline condition is also very important, since it has been proven that disease can only exist in an acidic environment (ie, bacteria, viruses, parasites, cancer, diabetes, etc.).  The formula is 20:1, how much alkaline it takes to neutralize acidity. Once you become alkaline, your aches, pains, decreased energy, chronic fatigue, and numerous other named medical conditions.  Energetic therapies, Reiki, IET, chiropractic cranial sacral, zero balancing and many other effective energetic modalities can also help to detox and relax the body while realigning, balancing and energizing it.  If one utilized even some of the above cleansing techniques or energenic modalities, in conjunction with the SEAD technology, which will detox you in its own right, you will live a healthier, happier and more energized life, while preventing yourself from possible illness.




Allopathic medicine has focused on the study of the nervous system, the organs, the blood, the lymph, the cells and their significance to biology, chemistry, anatomy and physiology.  It views the body in parts and pieces and looks for conditions manifested through physical symptoms that are caused by an external source. It then tries to isolate and separate the disease from the person to eliminate the foreign invader and control the symptom or symptoms- using drugs and/or surgery.  With an absence of symptoms the disease is considered cured.  Allopathic medicine has no theory on health and does not concern itself with prevention.  It is best suited to deal with emergency situations and stabilizing patients in crisis.


Alternative medicine comprises a vast array of fields and specialties - a few being mentioned in the Alternative Wellness Concepts section. It revolves around prevention and addressing the cause and is primarily concerned with whole body health.  Some modalities concentrate more specifically on individual aspects of the whole being, but alternative medicine as a whole is heavily based on eastern medicine’s holistic views.  Eastern medicine views the person as an energetic system consisting of the physical body, the emotions, the mind, subtle energy (Chi, Qi, Prana, Lifeforce) and spirit - all working together synergistically.  Health is considered to be a state of well being in which the body is vital, balanced and adaptive to its environment with free flowing energy.  Illness is considered to be an unbalanced, disrupted or blocked energy flow.  Alternative medicine has been proven to be more effective in preventing and treating long-standing, chronic, pathological diseases.


A great deal of emphasis in alternative methods roots (eastern medicine) is placed on subtle energy. Since subtle energy doesn’t show up under a microscope or by the common technological analysis devices, medical science has relegated it to the realm of the merely metaphorical.  However, the less known discoveries of  Nikola Tesla, with his radiant energy, and Dr. Valerie Hunt’s experiments about undetected energy have shed some light on the situation.


Recent studies have used various advanced technologies to reveal many additional energetic communication systems in the body.  Science can now show what ancient medicine has known all along - that these energy pathways and communication systems are the driving force in health.


Alternative medicine’s many methods of re-energizing and balancing the body to restore vital energy flow, such as the multi-wave oscillator, Rife technology, far infrared, color therapy, laser therapy, and ozone therapy, allow the body’s innate intelligence to determine how to promote wellness. 


 The SEAD technology should be the foundation for any health program.  Its action to restore the body’s balance and return it to equilibrium is the core to regained health.  The rejuvenating energy output is also a key to preventing sickness.  Georges Lakhovsky found that regular users of his MWO device rarely became sick and in many cases had the positive side effect of rejuvenation (ex. reducing or eliminating wrinkles, etc.).  The SEAD systems are extremely complementary and compatible to any health routine. Most purchasers of the SEAD systems are end users - people looking for an alternative to the costs and side effects of orthodox medicine. The SEAD systems can have a dramatic impact on your health, whether used alone or in combination with other machines- like a Rife generator, foot-bath, and/or lymphatic machine. The SEAD machines can be added to an existing practice for more effectiveness, used as a starting point for a new practitioner, purchased for individual application or family health, or used for research purposes and clinical studies.  For those interested in using the devices for research or clinical trials, please contact us to see what can be arranged. 

If SEAD use brings about results like the testimonials and historical studies have noted, it will not only provide better health for you and possibly your loved ones, but it would be a wise investment as a long term medical health cost savings.